Monday, January 10, 2011


This third grading period, we learned how to access a document through hyperlinks. We learned that, hypertext is a collection of documents that contain cross references called hyperlinks. We learned about hypermedia. We also learned the term hypertext was called by American computer Scientist, Fed Nekon in 1965 to describe textual information could be accessed in a nonlinear way.

There are some problems and challenges that I have encountered like, before I do not know how to link, but because, my classmates and our teacher taught me what should I do.

I address these challenges because of the help of my classmates and also our teacher. They helped me how to access a document through hyperlinks.

Moving on, I will do my best to be a good student and I will also listen to our teacher !!!


This 2011, the year of the rabbit, I will change my life. Like in my attitudes, behaviors, and doings. But what are things that I must do, to achieve my target this year ??

I said, New Year.. New Life, because, it is new year, we must change our bad attitudes, our bad behavior, and bad doings last, 2010. i want to be more mature, I want to be focus on my studies and I want to be a good girl this year. I want also to be a good daughter to my father. Because, sometimes I am obeying my father. I want to become a good friend to my friends. All of these, is my target this year. I can achieve all of these by, being a good person to them, trust myself and especially to God.

So, this is new year, so, we must change our bad attitudes, behavior and doings !!!!